About Us

Hi, I am John Clarkson, J.D., I practiced estate planning and probate law for twenty-six years. I am now retired and no longer practice law. During those twenty-six years, I handled many, many probates that should not have been required if the deceased had only done some estate planning and created a revocable living trust. Please do not be one of those people who do no planning and create extra stress and expense for your children or other heirs because you did not take the time to create a revocable living trust.
When I retired, I looked for a way for you to create an estate plan, including a revocable living trust, simply, easily, and inexpensively. I found that way. The same software that I used, and that is used by thousands of experienced estate planning attorneys nationwide to prepare the estate plans that they charge thousands of dollars for, had developed an online platform which allows you to create your own estate plan utilizing the same “question and answer” process that an experienced estate planning attorney would use.
The documents are then prepared with the same language and assembly software used by thousands of experience estate planning attorneys nationwide. That is the software you use when you create your estate plan and revocable living trust with everythinglivingtrusts.com. Get your ducks in a row NOW, and create your personalized estate plan and revocable living trust for a fraction of the costs charged by attorneys.
Our Goals
Everythinglivingtrust.com’s goal is to provide you with most cost effective way to create your estate plan without the cost of an attorney.